Legal support is very important for those who have recently arrived to Canada yet this help is not readily available or accessible to most. Through our legal clinic, we work towards filling this gap. We leverage our expertise to support our clients with an array of free immigration-related legal services tailored to their needs.
Overall, our team legal team firmly believes in education and preparedness. We embody this belief by aiding visitors to educate themselves on all the legal matters they should be aware of as new residents and as prospective ones.
If you are an asylum seeker or a protected person who has yet to receive their permanent residency, you are still required to apply for a work permit to work in Canada.
If you are an asylum seeker or a protected person who has yet to receive their permeant residency, you are still required to apply for a study permit to study in Canada.
If you an accepted refugee or protected person you are still required to make a Permanent Residency application.
Our Legal Clinic supports people who are currently in Canada and wish to claim asylum.
The PRRA is an opportunity for people who are facing removal from Canada to seek protection by describing, in writing, the risks they believe they would face if removed.
People who would not normally be eligible to become permanent residents of Canada may be able to apply on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.